
I’m feeling pretty good from yesterday’s workout, not too beat up at all. Charlotte and I were down in the basement at 10:30AM to knock out a workout while Quinn enjoyed some iPad time. My right wrist was feeling a little nagging pain. I suspect it’s from the stabilization required with the dumbbell work I’ve been doing during this quarantine. For that reason, I elected not to do any weighted movements and just stick to “Barbara” since that felt fine.

Strict Barbara

5 rounds for time:

  • 20 Strict Pull-ups
  • 30 Push-ups
  • 40 Situps
  • 50 Squats

Mandatory 3 minute rest between sets.

My time was 35:17 including the rest, which is actually only 15 seconds off my PR time. Surprising! I didn’t expect to go that fast. My pull-ups were initially in sets of 5 and 6, but mostly 3s by the end. Push-ups were all in sets of 10. Situps and squats were both fast. I think I really made up time on the push-ups.


Barbara! I feel really good after the ruck/no gym yesterday. Felt ready to hit this one hard.

5 rounds for time:

  • 20 Pull-ups
  • 30 Push-ups
  • 40 Sit-ups
  • 50 Air Squats

Rest 3 minutes between rounds.

My round times were:

  1. 3:17
  2. 3:47
  3. 5:14
  4. 5:17
  5. 5:27

Total time (including rest): 35:02

I really fell off the pace in round 3. The situps mainly were what slowed me down. I could’ve certainly pushed harder on those! Goal next time: Be more consistent!