
I’ve been laid up in bed sick the past few days so it felt great to get back in the gym today. I wasn’t feeling 100%,  but I still was in there!

We started off with some strength work on bench press.


I was pretty stoked to hit 195 for 3 considering I haven’t worked out for a few days and how infrequently we bench press.

Then, we hit this metcon:

8 Rounds for Time:

12 Hand-Release Push-ups
6 Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups
300m Run

Time: 18:09 Rx

My first four rounds were unbroken on the push-ups. Then, I went to quick sets of 6/3/3. C2B Pull-ups felt great and were butterfly the entire way.


Hit the 4:30PM class after staying home from work because Quinn wasn’t feeling great today.

In 20 minutes, Build to a heavy set of 3 Bench Press.

I built up 95, 135, 155, 185, 195, 205. My original goal was to hit 205 so this was exciting!

Team Assault Bike – Max Calories on bike for 10 minutes.

I partnered with Peggy and Valerie. We traded off every 15 seconds figuring in 5 seconds for transition so I ended up doing 10 sprints. We finished with 238 total calories.


Hit the 6AM class again at CrossFit River North in downtown Chicago. I’m really digging this early morning workout stuff.

We started out with some strength work:

– 5 reps at 275#
– 5 reps at 315#
– 5 reps at 345#

Bench Press
– 5 reps at 165#
– 5 reps at 185#
– 3 reps at 195#

Then, we did the following:

8 min AMRAP:

10 Push Press (95/65)
10 T2B
10 Russian KB Swings (72)

Result: 5+2 Rx


Quinn has pink eye so he stayed home with me today. We managed to make it to the gym together and tackle this main site workout:

3 rounds for time:

15 Bodyweight Bench Press
20 Rows Left Arm (40#)
20 Rows Right Arm (40#)
1000m Row

My time was roughly 21-22 min. Clock reset around 12 minutes unfortunately. Bench press was the slowest thing. I went 6-5-4 on the first set. 6-5-3-1 on the second. 6-3-3-2-1 on the third.