
Feeling pretty beat up from Murph yesterday. Plus, this morning was a little hectic because we took the kids (and dog) to the dog park. Naps were a bit of a mess so rather than try to get in an official workout, I took Graham on a 4-mile ruck with 40# on my back.

Total time was 1:01:07. Distance was 4 miles dead on. I was certainly sweaty when I got done!


I don’t usually workout on Sundays, but since I’m trying the 3 on/1 off schedule, I headed down into the basement around 1PM after Quinn laid down for a nap.

I wanted to get some HSPU in so I modified a workout from CrossFit.com that I’d been wanting to try:

21-15-9 reps not for time of:

  • Kipping HSPU
  • Strict K2E
  • DB Deadlift (2×50#s)

It was explicitly stated as “slowly” but I interpreted that to be “not for time.” I moved at a deliberate pace, and I was able to knock the HSPU out in sets of 5s and 4s, which felt pretty awesome. K2E were a bit weird since I did them from the makeshift pull-up bar I have in the basement. My feet drag the ground heavily at the bottom.

After the workout, I headed out for a 2 mile ruck with Tucker with 30# on my back.


20 min AMRAP:

  • 10 Ruck Ground-to-Overhead
  • 10 Ruck Strict Press
  • 100m Run

I originally had my ruck loaded down with 50# of sand, but the bag broke mid-workout so I swapped out for a 30# ruck plate. I have no idea how many rounds I got through.

I did knock out a 2 mile ruck this morning with Tucker to kickstart the day, which was awesome.


Had a combination of issues this morning including car trouble that prevented me from getting into the gym. No matter. Without a car, I had a lot of getting around to do so I rucked. It was actually a combination of rucks including:

Ruck the Dog:

  • Distance: 3.5 miles
  • Time: 60 minutes
  • Weight: 30#

Ruck to the rental car place:

  • Distance: 1.5 miles
  • Time: ?
  • Weight: 30#

Still got a good bit of fitness in today! Totaled 5 miles with 30# on my back.