
I ended up doing some squat/burpee intervals yesterday, but I stopped short to hang out with family/cook. So, I consider yesterday a rest day.

I’m still off with Quinn so we headed in at 9am to get in/out before open gym kicked off. I wanted to get in a CrossFit Linchpin workout, which I pulled from their Instagram.


For time:

  • 500m Row
  • 15 C&J @ 135
  • 3 Rope Climbs
  • 500m Row
  • 12 C&J @ 135
  • 2 Rope Climbs
  • 500m Row
  • 9 C&J @ 135
  • 1 Rope Climb

This is one of the 12 tests they have on their website (subbed row for 400m run). The “goal” times are <17:30. I kept the row around 1:55/500m. Tried to keep a steady pace on the barbell, but I had to stop and help Quinn a few times. Rope climbs felt really solid. I ended up finishing in 17:47.


  • 50 Hollow Rocks
  • 120ft KB Overheard Carry (18# in each hand)

I tried to keep the rib cage down and arms locked out on the overhead carry. That’s an exceptionally difficult movement for me!


Quinn was still sick with a fever. Luckily, Charlotte was able to get home early enough for me to hit the 4:30pm class.

The main work was:

E2MOM for 20 minutes:

  • Minute 1 & 2: Max Power Cleans
  • Minute 3 & 4: Max Rope Climbs

I chose #205 for the power cleans knowing it would be really tough. For the first 3 sets, I went 5 power cleans/4 rope climbs. I started missing the power cleans in set 4 and ended with 38 total reps. Still, 205# felt pretty solid today!


Had a meeting with Spence, Zach, and Karly at 9AM so I dropped into the 8AM. Feeling pretty recovered today after the day off on Sunday and the lighter workout yesterday.

24 min EMOM:

  • 2 Front Squats (#205)
  • 12 Cal Assault Bike
  • 2 Rope Climbs
  • 45 sec Plank Hold

I initially started with an L-Sit hold on parallettes in place of the plank hold, but my abs were still pretty sore from the GHDs so I switched to plank hold. Everything else was really pretty manageable.


Joined the 5AM class today! Good times knocking out the workout early on.

15 minute AMRAP:

20/15 Cal Bike
15 Hand Release Push-up
2 Rope Climb

Result: 5 rounds Rx

My goals were to keep the bike around 450 watts, stick with sets of 5 on the HR push-ups, and get each rope climb in two pulls. I mostly was able to hit those marks with each round coming in at 3:00 or so. I had a few rope climbs that took 3 pulls because I got lazy.


Woof! This was a hard timecap to hit:

400m Run
40 Ground to Overhead with a 45# Plate
20 Burpees
400m Run
10 Rope Climbs
400m Run
20 Burpees
40 Ground to Overhead with a 45# Plate
400m Run

Time: 18:57 Rx

First run was roughly 1:45. I was on the rope at 7:00 and out the door at 11:00 after the rope climbs. I headed out on the final run around 17:05.



For time:

30 Clean and jerks (135lbs/95lbs)
Run 1 mile
10 Rope climbs (15 feet)
Run 1 mile
100 Burpees

Time: 34:44 Rx

This was actually my first time ever doing Grace. I finished the C&Js around 4:30. First mile was done by 11:30-12:00. I spent a lot of time on the ropes because the class was pretty busy so it was a “get in where you fit in” kinda day. I was out the door by 18:30 and back from the second mile by 26:00. I did the burpees in “quick” sets of 10.