
We worked up to a heavy set of the following complex:

  • 3 Power Cleans
  • 2 Front Squats
  • 1 Hang Squat Clean

I worked up to 185#, but I couldn’t get the power cleans on the set of 205#.

Then, we did the following metcon:

6 rounds of 1:30 on/:30 off:

  • 3 Hang Power Cleans (155)
  • 2 Front Squats
  • 1 Hang Squat Clean
  • 12 T2B
  • Max Front Rack Hold (155)

I ended up finishing each round about 45 seconds in, which gave me far too long to hold that darn bar. T2B were all unbroken.


We spent 15 minutes building to a heavy set of 5 hang squat cleans. I built up 95, 135, 155, 185. The set at 185 felt pretty good. Then, we did the following:

For Time:

Hang Squat Clean (155/105)
Burpee to Target

My time was 11:54 Rx. Most of the Hang Squat Cleans were in two sets except for the last set. The burpees were all pretty slow but consistent.