
Worked out at CrossFit Durham today while at the Chat Leads meet up. Really great gym. Hit the 6:00am class with Simon.


200m run
Snatch warm-up


Segment 1:
For time:
600/400/200m Run
18-15-12 Power Snatch (95/65)

Time: 11:12

Broke all of the snatches up into two pieces. 

Segment 2:
Toes to Bar
Overhead Squat (75)

Time: Clock messed up

Overhead squats were pretty tricky. Scaled to 75#. Did the first two rounds in two sets a piece. Last set unbroken. 

Segment 3:
Reverse Tabata Handstand Pushups
10 seconds on
20 seconds off
4 minutes, 8 rounds total

Result: 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 0

Fried towards the end!



100 DU
10 Samson Complex
Shoulder Circuit
Push up Pyramid
10 Single Arm KB Thrusters (each side)
:30 Handstand Hold
Handstand Walk/Bear Crawl

-First Rib


5 Rounds

6 Handstand Push-ups
12 Wallballs
100m Tire Drag

2 minutes rest


First workout ever with handstand push-ups! Did the first two sets unbroken and then did a mixture of 3’s, 2’s, and 1’s for the rest of the time. Form deteriorated but I got it done!



5 min. Easy Jog
Shoulder Circuit
Pushup Pyramid
Hamstring Stretch v II ^


Running Form Practice
– Two foot bounce across the gym. 5 in place, 5 going forward
– Pull heel to butt 15 L&R
– Alternating heel to butt (running). 10 in place, then lean and run forward.
Metcon (Distance)


30 min. Run for Distance.

Result: 6625m (4+ miles)

I felt relatively strong the entire time. I don’t have mile splits, but the first one was roughly 7:27. The last one was a bit faster. Form started deteriorating during the last mile though. I was overstriding a good bit rather than keeping my stride short and fast. Still please with the performance given the fact that I haven’t done a long run in awhile.


Back Squat


Felt easy. Nothing too crazy. Just wanted to get some weightlifting in this week since the WODs thus far haven’t been too lifting-focused.

Kipping Handstand Push-up (on Abmat)


These are really coming along! Starting to get the kip down pat. When I’m able to string together 10 or so, I’ll remove the abmat.


10 Cal Row
15 Band Goodmornings
15 Band Side steps
15 KB Swings
Pushup Pyramid
10 Hollow Body Rocks
10 Superman Rocks


CrossFit Games Open 16.4 (AMRAP – Reps)
13-Minute AMRAP:
55 Deadlifts, 225# / 155#
55 Wall-Ball Shots, 20# / 14#
55 Calorie Row
55 Handstand Push-ups

Jeremey – 165 reps (11:05 TB)

My strategy here was to just make it through to the HS push-ups knowing I would get maybe one rep total there. The deadlifts blew me up. I started with a set of 10 and then shifted back to a more manageable 5 with a 5-count between sets. Did the same for the wall balls. Felt pretty gassed when I hit the rower. Quads were absolutely fried. Finally made it to the wall and couldn’t get a single one. Really really frustrating. Tomorrow begins a year of focusing solely on HS push-ups. Next year, I’m dominating them.