
Did a ROMWOD this morning. Legs are definitely feeling the wall balls from Saturday and then the hike yesterday. Joined the 12PM class for Griff.


3 Rounds:

15 Calf Raises
200m Jog
15 KB Swings
100m Run Backwards


Griff (Time)

For Time:
Run 800 meters
Run 400 meters backwards
Run 800 meters
Run 400 meters backwards

Time: 11:21

Felt really good on the 800’s. Quads were really wrecked on the 400’s though. I started to feel it around the 200m mark on each backwards run. Finished the first 800m roughly around 3:15 and hit halfway around 5:30 or so. Not too bad!


200m Jog
25m Butt Kicks
25m Punter Kicks
Roll Quads/calves

Oh yeah—got my first muscle-up on the rings!