

500m Row
10 Goblet Stretch
10 Passthroughs
10 Kips
10 Front Squats (Bar)
10 Press (Bar)
10 Pull Ups
10 Thrusters (Bar)


Partner Front Rack


Everyday Warrior Workout #4 w/ James

20:00 Time Cap

Partner 1 Completes:

Thrusters @ 95#
Pull Ups


Partner 2 Completes:

Thrusters @ 95#
Chest To Bar Pull Ups


As a team complete:

60 Clean and Jerks @ 135#

Result: 20:27 meaning we did 33 of the 60 C&J before time.

I did the second set of Thrusters and C2B pull-ups. I started roughly 8:30-9:00 in and finished my sets around 13:30-14:30 so it took me roughly 5:30 or so.

My main goal was to do the Thrusters unbroken but I fell a bit short. I ended up going 5, 17+3, 6+6. Still when I put the bar down, it was 5-10 seconds and then right back up so not long breaks. I felt really relaxed even during the 17 breathing at the top and bottom. Unbroken Fran coming soon! For the C2B’s, I knew I would break those up. Ended up doing 5, 5+5+5+5, 4+4+2+2.

Once I got off the bar, James hopped right into action with the C&J. We mainly traded off 3 for him then 1 for me because I was a bit gassed. He definitely carried through the C&Js.

Fun time! First time also trying out the Rogue wrist straps which were helpful.


5×2 Back Squat @ 225# for fun


Third Everday Warrior workout! I was particularly excited for this one since I consider deadlifts one of my stronger movements. Got to the gym a bit early with some weighted passthroughs and then hopped right in.


500m Row
15 Band Goodmornings
15 Band Side Steps (L&R)
8 Goblet Stretch
8 KB Swings
Hamstring Stretch vII^
8 Wallballs
8 Pull ups
8 Push ups

-Hamstring Floss


Everyday Warrior workout #3 with James!

11min. AMRAP

5 Deadlifts @225
20 Partner WB @20#
12 Alternating Burpees Over The Bar

Finished 7 rounds + 26 reps. 

Felt really strong. I ended up doing 6 of the 8 rounds on deadlift. Burpees felt great and it was easy to do the wallballs  unbroken with a short break for the pass to your partner. This should bump us up a decent bit in the standings compared to the previous two workouts. Heavy thrusters tomorrow to prep for next week!



250m row
1st Rib Stretch 2x Each Side
OH Squat Warm-up (PVC, 65#, 75#, 95#)


2016 Everyday Warrior WOD #2

30 Minute AMRAP (Partners Switch Every 25 Calories)
300 Calorie Row Then…
3 Rounds:
30 Overhead Squat 95 lbs.
30 Toes to Bar
30 Box Jumps Overs 20”

Score: 589

Partnered up with James for the workout. Row was fine. I averaged around 1450 cal/hr for each of my segments. We had planned on breaking up the OH Squats 10 for him and then 5 for me, but it started to get tough so we ended up doing 5-6 a piece towards the end. Alternated 5 on the T2B hanging next to each other. I didn’t lose my kip until the very last two sets of the third round. Box jump overs were fine. We just alternated each one. I hopped back on the rower and let him finish off the last 5 box jump overs while I got setup on the rower for the last 19 calories.

ROMWOD this evening. Legs are still feeling it from wall balls on Sat, hiking on Sunday, and running backwards yesterday.



500m Row
Junkyard Dogs
Jefferson Curls

1st Rib Stretch


15 min AMRAP with James:
100 Double Unders
30 Snatches 75lbs
80 Double Unders
25 Snatches 135lbs
60 Double Unders
20 Snatches 165 lbs
40 Double Unders
15 Snatches 185 lbs
20 Double Unders
AMRAP Snatches @ 205 lbs


Got through the round of 135# snatches and then we couldn’t get one up on 165#. Really need to get my snatch technique down. 


30 Burpees
10 Stone Ground To Shoulder
800m Ammo Can Carry
10 Stone G2S
800m Ammo Can Carry
10 Stone G2S
30 Burpees
