
Skill work first with this EMOM.

10 min EMOM:

MIN 1 – HS Walk or HS Hold Practice
MIN 2 – 100m Run @ 50% EFFORT

I went with a HS hold facing the wall and tried to tap my feet off the wall into a freestanding handstand. Held for about 45 seconds each round.

Then, we tackled this metcon.

6 sets of 3 min AMRAPs:

10 Plate Ground 2 OH (45/35)
50m Sprint

*Rest 1:00 b/t each AMRAP

I scored a total of 11+4 rounds Rx.


Joined the 8AM class for some GOAT work! We started with a 10 min EMOM alternating movements we need to practice:

Minute 1: 2 Strict Muscle-ups
Minute 2: 4 Pistols each side

Then, we moved onto this metcon:

15 minute EMOM:

Minute 1: 20 Ground to Overhead (45# Plate)
Minute 2: 20 Walking Lunges with plate
Minute 3: 2 Wall Walks (I scaled down from 3)

This was WAY harder than it looked!