
Quinn had a fever so I was called into daycare to bring him home. Had to get in something quick. Basically no warm-up and then hit this one:

5 rounds for time:

  • 50 Double Unders
  • 15 Push Press (75)
  • 10 GHD Situps

I modified the GHD situps from Toes to Bar just to keep my equipment all in the small spot while the main class went on. Time was 9:55 Rx. In and out in less than 30 minutes.


Hit the gym with Charlotte before the Easter WOD started so I could grab bagels and coffee while folks worked out. We pulled some stuff from the main site and Comptrain.

Barbell Work

5 rounds for time:

9 Deadlift (135)
5 Squat Clean
3 Thruster

Time was 8:02. I went unbroken on each movement (fast singles on Cleans) and just focused on moving fast and staying consistent.



3 rounds for time:

24 Cal Row
21 Wall Ball
18 DB Snatch
15 Burpee over rower

Didn’t keep a time, but I wasn’t moving quick. Treated this like a steady conditioning piece.


30 GHD Situp
40 Hollow Rock