
Warm Up

15 Cal Row
6 Samson/Hip Stretch
10 Passthrough

5 Reps Of Each Movement

Met Con

Dallas 5

5 minutes of:
Then, 5 minutes of:
7 deadlifts, 155 lb.
7 box jumps, 24-in. box
Then, 5 minutes of:
Turkish get-ups, 40-lb. dumbbell
Then, 5 minutes of:
7 snatches, 75 lb.
7 push-ups
Then, 5 minutes of:
Rowing (calories)

Complete as many reps as possible at each 5-minute station. Rest 1 minute between stations.

This was a doozy! I knew from the get go that I would get the vast majority of reps on the deadlift station. My reps went like this:

75 Burpees
113 Deads/Box Jumps
12 TGU
73 Snatch/Push-up
83 Row

Total: 356 RX